Hope Fridge Guidelines for Donating Food

In the fridge and freezer, please donate only sealed, unopened, clearly labeled & unexpired foods and fresh produce, including

  • ready-to-eat / grab-and-go meals and snacks

  • fruit juices, water, and sports drinks

  • bananas, oranges, apples, and other fresh produce

  • pastries, baked goods, and bread

  • cheeses, yogurt, pasteurized eggs, and pasteurized milk

  • cured sandwich meats

  • Lunchables, fruit snacks, granola bars

  • frozen dinners

  • cooking oils (no glass containers, please!)

  • homemade meals: please wash hands, wear a hairnet/beard-net, and practice basic food safety guidelines when preparing meals. All ingredients must be labeled - must also include the date made

  • prepared meals made in a commercial kitchen: All ingredients must be labeled - must also include the date made

Please, Do Not Donate

  • expired/outdated items

  • raw meat or raw fish

  • frozen raw meat or frozen raw fish

  • raw milk or raw milk cheeses

  • unlabeled multi-ingredient items

  • anything in a glass container

  • half-eaten leftovers

  • canned goods without easy-open lids (not everyone has access to a can opener or a kitchen!)

  • alcohol

  • over the counter or RX medications

Guidelines for Donating Household Goods

In the Pantry, we welcome donations of

  • non-perishable food like cereals, granola bars, fruit snacks, popcorn

  • household supplies like toilet paper, laundry detergent, new socks

  • medical supplies like Band Aids and Neosporin

  • brand new Chapstick and sunscreen

  • sanitary supplies like tampons, pads, soap, shampoo/conditioner

  • dog and cat food (VERY clearly labeled so as to not be confused with human food!)

  • baby supplies like diapers, wipes, and more diapers!

***Please refrain from donating clothes, shoes, books, and other items to our community fridges. Please direct those donations to a local thrift store instead.